Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Guyana Mall

Uncle Bully took me to one of the large malls in Georgetown.  It's 4 stories high and is just one large square.  These photos basically capture the entire mall.  Similar to the U.S., the mall is one of the hot spots for kids to go an hang out, so you can see that all of the railing are lined with people.  The local slang for hanging out is "liming", and the local slang for ladies or chicks is "birds".  So, I should say, "All a dem come fa lime, and dem bai a watch dem birds" (All of them came to hang out, and the boys are checking out the ladies). 

1 comment:

  1. did not take long to bring out the Guyanese in you....."you go gal".
    Love Mom
