Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 1!

It's only Friday, and not quite a full week yet, but it was both quiet and eventful!  Here's a quick list of the things I've done and the things I've seen thus far:
  1. I met with the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Education, and a member of the Ministry of Health.
  2. I met my Dad's sisters (Auntie Gina & Auntie Sherri), my cousins (Jenna & Joshua), and my grandfather (Dad's dad).
  3. I saw a rice field and was able to take a photo on a tractor!  
  4. I went to Guyana's National Museum, the seawall, the St. George Cathedral, and other tourist-y things. 
  5. I watched Meet the Robinsons and the beginning of season 4 of Breaking Bad (thanks to Tasha's Netflix account!)
  6. I am being eaten by mosquitoes...  I've been using repellent and sleeping with a mosquito net, but they are still finding me.
  7. I am missing home and everyone there : (  but I'm trying to enjoy Guyana : )! 
I hope to get photos up soon, so fingers crossed!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Attempt 2 - Success!

My flight was on time, and so was the entire flight crew!  There was a slight hiccup (the airline misplaced my luggage), but it was soon dealt with (they dropped it off at the house!).  Auntie Fiona was here to greet me and make me breakfast.  I desperately want and need a shower, so I am going to find one now.  Hopefully, I can upload photos soon!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Flight - Attempt 1

It was a no go.  No co-pilot, no flight.  I'm now booked for Oct. 15th at 1am.