Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 1!

It's only Friday, and not quite a full week yet, but it was both quiet and eventful!  Here's a quick list of the things I've done and the things I've seen thus far:
  1. I met with the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Education, and a member of the Ministry of Health.
  2. I met my Dad's sisters (Auntie Gina & Auntie Sherri), my cousins (Jenna & Joshua), and my grandfather (Dad's dad).
  3. I saw a rice field and was able to take a photo on a tractor!  
  4. I went to Guyana's National Museum, the seawall, the St. George Cathedral, and other tourist-y things. 
  5. I watched Meet the Robinsons and the beginning of season 4 of Breaking Bad (thanks to Tasha's Netflix account!)
  6. I am being eaten by mosquitoes...  I've been using repellent and sleeping with a mosquito net, but they are still finding me.
  7. I am missing home and everyone there : (  but I'm trying to enjoy Guyana : )! 
I hope to get photos up soon, so fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Mosquito's there don't understand what repellant is, so you're in for it. 1 week down 7 more to go.

    2. I'll send you pics of home so you wont be so homesick. BTW we miss you too <3

    Love, Lisa
