Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 1 Photos!!!

View of the Demerara River from Stabroek Market.

 The 1763 Cuffy Monument in the Square of the Revolution in Georgetown.  Cuffy, a slave from West Africa & national Guyanese hero, led a revolt in 1763 of more than 2,500 slaves against the colony regime.

Uncle Amo's cow.

 I milked Uncle Amo's cow!

 Fishing behind Uncle Amo's house.

Fishing behind Uncle Amo's.

 I was the only one to catch a fish!  Granted, it was the size of my pinky finger...

 The boys fishing.

 Joshua and Jenna (Auntie Gina's kids & my cousins) on their front veranda.

 First view of the West Coast from the top of the Heritage Museum.

 Second view of the West Coast from the top of the Heritage Museum.

 Auntie Sherry, me, Jenna, Joshua, and Uncle Azad on top of the Heritage Museum.

 Auntie Gina, Jenna, me, Joshua, and Uncle Azad on top of the Heritage Museum.

The Heritage Museum.  The tour guide was the best!

Relaxing on Auntie Gina's veranda with a glass of El Dorado and a view of the Atlantic ;)

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