Friday, November 16, 2012

St. George's Catherdral

St. George's Cathedral in Georgetown, Guyana is one of the tallest wooden buildings in the world.  It was built in 1899 and is now considered a national monument.  While I saw the outside of the cathedral earlier in my trip, I was able to go inside yesterday!  It's very beautiful.  Here are a few photos!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Diwali Celebrations

Diwali (a.k.a. Devali or Deepavali) is known as the "festival of lights", and is an official holiday in Guyana.  During this festival, small clay lamps filled with ghee, diyas, are lit to signify the triumph of god over evil and to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess wealth, into the home. Diwali is also associated with the return of Rama after years of exile, and the diyas were lit to welcome his return.  During Diwali, the celebrants clean their homes, wear new clothes, share sweets with friends and family, light diyas at night, and set off firecrackers.

Below are some photos of the Diwali celebrations I've seen here in Guyana.  Set 1 - Diwali Play has photos from a Diwali play I saw in Bartica.  They had singing, dancing, and presentation about the gods and goddesses with the children dressed in costume.  Set 2 - Diwali Motorcade has photos of the Diwali parade on East Coast Demerara.  It takes place at night, and all of floats are covered in lights and people depicting various gods and goddesses.  Pretty cool.  Set 3 - Temple has photos from the Diwali service at the temple.  I was surprised at how few people turned up (less than 30), but Auntie said it was because most people were celebrating and lighting diyas at home.  Set 4 - Diyas has photos of the homes in the neighborhood that are lit with diyas and other lights for Diwali.  Very pretty, but also major fire hazard....

Set 1 - Diwali Play

Crazy load sound system.  I could feel it vibrating in my chest.

Set 2 - Diwali Motorcade

Set 3 - Temple

Set 4 - Diyas