Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Around Bartica

Auntie Sherry and I went to visit sister-in-law, Auntie Chavita and her husband, Uncle Leslie in Bartica.  They have three kids, a girl whose name I don't remember, Chris and Anthony.  Chris and Anthony still live with them.  Three of their grandchildren (Shafeena, Rafeena, and Haniff) from their daughter is also staying with them so that they can go to school.

A sour soup with chicken feet.  I think it's called "sous", but I'm not sure of the spelling

Evening on the seawall

The outside of the Bartica Hospital.  Unfortunately, one of their sons, Anthony, was hurt at work during our visit.  Luckily, he's fine now!

Rafeena and Shafeena peeling garlic

Cows everywhere

Dogs everywhere

Sunday, my three little tour guides walked me around their neighborhood.  This is the secondary school that Rafeena and Haniff attend

Inside the gate of their secondary school.  The small green building in the back is where Auntie Chavita and Uncle Leslie sell snacks to the students

The green building is the primary school Rafeena attends

We stopped for snacks at the shop

Haniff picking a cashew fruit

The cashew fruit

We kept the seed of the cashew fruit, so we could later eat the nut

If you buy a pair of TOMS, they donate another pair to a child in need.  Haniff's school gave out these shoes to the children who were not able to purchase black shoes as required by the school dress code.  It seems TOMS follows through.

The workers saw us taking pictures and offered to let us take a picture on the excavator.  Haniff was the only one brave enough to get in the bucket.

The beach along the river

Rafeena, me, Haniff, Chris, and Shafeena

Every morning, Auntie Chavita and Uncle Leslie get up early to make food to sell at their stand at the secondary school

They make channa,

and pulowry (sp?), and more

The girls getting ready for school

Foods to sell at the school

Drinks to sell at the school

Auntie Chavita selling food and candy in the stand

Uncle Leslie selling drinks from the trunk

The stand was packed with kids!  By the end of the day, all of the food they made was sold out!

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