Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ferry Ride to Bartica

Auntie Sherry and I went to Bartica this weekend to visit her sister-in-law.  It was overcast and a little rainy, so the sun wasn't blazing and the ride was nice and cool.  The captain saw us taking photos, so he let us go up on top with him!  Here are some photos from the ferry ride down!

Some kids were fishing at the dock.  The kid in the red was simply using a long piece of yellow rope.

And he caught something!

Apparently, this is the ferry on the Guyana 20 dollar bill.

The Malali Ferry

Instead of stopping at ports along the river, the ferry slows down and small speed boats pull up along side to unload passengers and goods.

The speed boat docking in the back had just unloaded people from the ferry

The unloading process

We passed a lot of homes along the way, most of which don't have electricity.

They were loading either bananas or plantains presumably to take to the market

A raft transporting logs down the river

Heading into the rain

So, this guy owns his own island... Literally.  He's some famous Guyanese singer.

We passed an army base

Welcome to Bartica!


  1. living without electricity is common in the interior. people with elect is consider rich.

  2. The malali use to service the Berbice river. Growing up in Berbice we have used this service many times it was a way of life. Dad
