Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Fun Day" with Auntie Fiona

On Thursday, October 25th I spent the day with Auntie Fiona and the children she teaches at Better Hope Nursery School.  They were having "Fun Day", which is similar to the "Field Days" I use to have in DE schools.  The kids participate in various races and parents come to help with scoring and the food stand.  Fun Day was held in the community center's field behind the school.  It was very hot, but the kids had so much energy!  Below are some photos of the kids.

On the left is the food stand where parents sold snack and drinks.  The kids are in the middle, and the mini track is on the right.

 The start of one of the girls' races.

And off they go!

There were some goats on the edge of the field, but no one seemed to mind.

Getting ready for the bunny hop race 

Breaking for lunch 

Pairing up for the three legged race 

Inside Better Hope Nursery School 

Auntie Fiona's class

Is there no place she hasn't explored?!  

Kid riding his bike in front of the school 

The school's yard.  You can see the little red slide, beyond the fence is the community center's field from earlier. 

The front of the school 


  1. Emma loves Dora,she is surely an explorer.

  2. Those kids look like they were having sooo much fun! Did you teach them any games?! -Tasha

  3. What a great experience E!

